Workshop Trilogy at Tampere in March 2024 – Engineering Works, Nordic Welding Expo and 3D & New Materials
Press release 21.06.2023
Engineering Works, Konepaja, the professional trade fair for the metal industry, Nordic Welding Expo, the largest welding industry trade fair event in the Nordic countries, and 3D & New Materials, the exhibition for 3D printing and new materials, will be organised again next year. On 19–21 March 2024, Tampere Exhibition and Sports Centre will witness Workshop Trilogy, bringing forth machines and tools, latest innovations, and an experience full of encounters for the manufacturing industry.
Engineering Works Trade Fair, Nordic Welding Expo, and 3D & New Materials will shine in the Workshop Trilogy of the manufacturing industry in March. Once again, the trio offer their visitors the coolest machines and the highest-quality tools, expertise, innovations, and much-awaited encounters.
The machine, the seam, and 3D
Staying current and looking forward, Workshop Trilogy captivates with digitalisation, AI and robotics. Along with conventional expertise, one must learn how to utilise the possibilities of novel technologies. The event also discusses workforce, availability thereof, and new ways of working. Production in the manufacturing industry has relocated, and will relocate, back to Finland and Europe. Both environmental values and social responsibility emphasise the importance of accountability. Solutions for topical issues will be found at the event – together.
Remarkable machines and meaningful encounters
In the event of November 2022, visitors especially praised the real-life machines in the workshop as well as meaningful encounters. It was clear that this set of events came much awaited. As the first trade fair event in the field, 3D & New Materials was considered valuable, also from the perspectives of the future and community spirit of 3D printing. Promises will be kept this year as well – with a forward-looking approach.
– This time in Tampere, visitors will once again get a real-life experience of new machines on site, engage in encounters with partners and new experts, and get to know technologies and service solutions. We have developed this set of events by focusing it even more to meet the needs of the industries. Next year, the trio will also be even more intertwined than before, exploring opportunities across different sectors and offering synergy benefits, says Project Manager Sami Siurola of Tampere Trade Fairs Group.
Konepaja Engineering Works Trade Fair, intended for decision-makers on machine and equipment investments in the metal industry, showcases the latest machines, the most powerful tools and the most advanced technologies for a competitive industry. Nordic Welding Expo for joining and cutting offers a cross-section of new products and innovations in the welding industry. The entire spectrum of 3D printing, from development to end product, including latest materials solutions for manufacturing industries are exhibited. Partners of the Konepaja Engineering Works Trade Fair include Technology Industries of Finland, The Association of Finnish Technical Traders, and The Welding Society of Finland (SHY ry) of the Nordic Welding Expo.
MORE INFORMATION: konepajamessut.fi/en, nordicweldingexpo.fi/en 3dnewmaterials.fi/en
#Konepaja #EngineeringWorks #NordicWeldingExpo #3DNewMaterials #pajantrilogia
Tampere Trade Fairs Group, tampereenmessut.fi/en, firstname.lastname@tampereenmessut.fi
Sami Siurola, Project Manager, +358 40 734 3589
Sirkka Laine, Communications Specialist, +358 40 612 9081